søndag 11. oktober 2009

A list

Can you believe another week has gone by already? Good thing I have mondays off so I can get some blogging done at a late sunday hour. I can not believe what a big blogging society it is out here. I didn't realize so many of the people I don't speak to so often have their own blogs! That is just wonderful, to tell you the truth. This way I can keep up with what they're up to. Don't you just love technology?

I've been feeling very in love with London these past few days, now that my stupid school project finally is going somewhere and my mind isn't to busy to notice the small stuff. So I feel the urge to write a list! I'm very found of list, and you should expect lots and lots of them in the future.

Why this city is so magical:

Marvellous old buildings, even in the shopping streets

Sitting on top of an double decker gives you the Harry-Potter-magic-bus-squeezing-in-between-all-the-obstacles kind of feeling

The most used phraze is "Thank you"

Amaaaaaaazing shopping

You can take the tube anywhere (whitch is lovely, as long as it's not packed with dodgy guys)

People from all over the world:D


Squirrels outside my kitchen window



Cheap booze

Polish food in the supermarket

Cherry coke


Really cheap Ryanair tickets



The skyline

Iconic taxis, phone booths

Signs that warn you of "Low trees"!

Yeah, it's all good. Even getting caught in the rain is nice; makes the streets look damp and glittering. Mind you, I'm not saying there's no negative stuff, but that is a whole other list that I'll save for later. When I'm not feeling so sentimental.

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