torsdag 15. oktober 2009

Where does the time go..?

Now that they've installed proper internet in my room, I'll try to blog more frequently! Up till now the connection barely allowed me to use facebook, and THAT is torture my friend!

Anyway, I've had a slow day today, but my energy is gone either way. In the workshop at college I made a simple animation made of pictures of my umbrella, and then I tried to do something in my sketchbook when I got home. I ended up in the kitchen drinking tea with these brits that I live with, and not much work got done. I did glue one picture in the book though, and I think that should count for something!

Time has slipped away for me again, and I need to get some sleep so I can get up in the morning! How the days do fly..

søndag 11. oktober 2009

A list

Can you believe another week has gone by already? Good thing I have mondays off so I can get some blogging done at a late sunday hour. I can not believe what a big blogging society it is out here. I didn't realize so many of the people I don't speak to so often have their own blogs! That is just wonderful, to tell you the truth. This way I can keep up with what they're up to. Don't you just love technology?

I've been feeling very in love with London these past few days, now that my stupid school project finally is going somewhere and my mind isn't to busy to notice the small stuff. So I feel the urge to write a list! I'm very found of list, and you should expect lots and lots of them in the future.

Why this city is so magical:

Marvellous old buildings, even in the shopping streets

Sitting on top of an double decker gives you the Harry-Potter-magic-bus-squeezing-in-between-all-the-obstacles kind of feeling

The most used phraze is "Thank you"

Amaaaaaaazing shopping

You can take the tube anywhere (whitch is lovely, as long as it's not packed with dodgy guys)

People from all over the world:D


Squirrels outside my kitchen window



Cheap booze

Polish food in the supermarket

Cherry coke


Really cheap Ryanair tickets



The skyline

Iconic taxis, phone booths

Signs that warn you of "Low trees"!

Yeah, it's all good. Even getting caught in the rain is nice; makes the streets look damp and glittering. Mind you, I'm not saying there's no negative stuff, but that is a whole other list that I'll save for later. When I'm not feeling so sentimental.

mandag 5. oktober 2009

Drawing 'till my hands fall off..!

I've been busy sketching these past few days, and haven't had time for much else. We are supposed to have 20 A3 drawings ready for tomorrow, but I'm stuck at 16! This project we're doing is all about sketching random stuff that might be inspiring, or that we may be able to work with. It's a bit hard to explain, actually, 'cause it's basically a "do what ever as long as you have loads of research" kind of project. It's a bit to random for me. I've sketched some stuff from the walk along the Themes, but there are only so many drawings you can do of buildings, you know?

There was another life drawing class today, so I went to get some inspiration and to do some more specific drawing. Those classes are really starting to grow on me. I think I'm getting better as well (allthough I've only attended 3 classes so far). Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we drew a woman this time. If there's something I know how to draw, it's women. Can't say I've been drawing too many men, like, ever... That's probably my misstake right there, 'cause I don'n get any practice this way. I should really find me a man of my own, whom I can draw whenever.

Tomorrow is our first serious college day, with visual studies, design and photoshop. Might be fun! The downside is that we're working with this project-thing in every class, and I'm so sick of it already. I hope I'll wake up more inspired tomorrow.

torsdag 1. oktober 2009

Beautiful London..

So there's been no blogging the past few days, because of the shitty internet that I have in my room here... But it seems to be working a tiny bit better today, so I'm just putting a few words out here before it's too late.

Yesterday was the day of the Freshers Fayre, and I'm still not sure exactly what that's all about. It's a gathering of tons of people and unions that want to give us (fresh students) info, leaflets and freebies. They all just sit in this big hall, by their tiny stands and bombard you with leaflets and questions and signing petitions. And it was a mixture of literally everything; the student union was there, the student health union, all the societies within the university, a lot of club people wanting everyone to come dance in their funky club, makeup people, breakdancers, name it, I've seen it. We played games, ate cotton-candy and bought our own I <3 UAL t-shirts. Even though it was crammed with students, and really really hot, it was actually quite fun as well.

Today is a whole other messy story in itself. The class was to meet at Tate Modern to have a look and do some drawing. Sounds simple enough, if you know where the Tate is. I'd never been there before, but I found a nice route to get there by on and was quite happy about being prepared. First take bus 48 to Liverpool Street, then the tube to Cannon street, and then walk across the Themes from there.

Executing the plan wasn't as simple as I'd thought, because the tube I was going to take was cancelled or something. I was also going to meet this Chinese girl from my class, Mia, and help her get to the Tate. Ended up with her telling me which bus to take though. So finally I get to Cannon street and meet Mia, we walk to the museum (an hour late), do some drawing and chat with the rest of the people. Then our tutor tells us to split into groups of five and just walk along the river while we take pictures and draw some more, and to meet him at the GLA in an hour. (He also said that the GLA was right in the area, and easy to find) That doesn't seem too difficult, does it? Wrong again! This time, after walking around searching for this thing no-one had ever seen or heard about, we finally found it near the Tower Bridge (which isn't exactly close to the Tate). Only half an hour late this time, but we missed the lunch break so we had to go without food. That's life as an artist for you, harsh and tiring. It was a nice trip though, all in all. The sights by the Themes are so fantastically beautiful that you forget all the anger and hunger the minute you look at them.