søndag 27. september 2009

I <3 London

Okay, so I've moved to this fashion capital all by myself, and am now starting to settle in. You can imagine the shock though, with 6 million people living here stuffed in one city, while in Norway the 4,5 million inhabitants have a whole country to rome around in.

But anyway, I live literally a 2 minutes' walk away from London College of Fashion, where I'm doing my foundation course in Art and Design. And that is absolutely fabulous. Even when I get up ten minutes before college starts, I still totally make it. And I can go home for lunch, which saves loads of money.

So far we haven't really done any real work at school yet, so everyone's quite relaxed. BUT! The pressure really starts in a week, I guess, when we start all the visual studies and surface manipulation workshops and whatnot. Classes start at 09:30am and last 'till 6:30pm, so there's not much room for other activities. But we do have Mondays off, on which I think I'll find some drop-in life drawing classes. We also have half of the day on Wednesday off, and that is when I've signed up for a Japanese language course. Can't wait for that to start!

One really has to do as much as one can, living in a fantastic city like this, with opportunities lurking around every corner. Immerse yourself in the creative environment!

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh, stilig :D Håper du legger ut noen bilder etterhvert da ! :)

    Var gøy å prate med deg i dag, ble litt amputert da, siden jeg ble så perpleks da Ailin bare stappa telefonen i øret mitt, og jeg visste ikke hva jeg skulle si :P

    Rock on!
